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Community Development

Tackling the issues together with the people and for the people for sustainable communities.


The HCDF has initiated and managed many projects, and partnered with others in the Fond-des-Blancs community since the early 1980s in comprehensive holistic community development. All endeavors stem from the model of John Perkins and his pioneering message for holistic community development (the Three Rs) with these foundational goals: Healing, Education, Leadership Development, and Community Development.

Developing the
Fond-des-Blancs community
Since 1980

​Building Sustainable Communities in Haiti: A Holistic, People-Focused, Leadership-Centered Approach

Sustainable community development in Haiti requires a holistic, people-focused, leadership-centered, confirming, and open-to-all approach. By empowering local leaders, embracing inclusivity, and celebrating successes, we can build a foundation for lasting impact and create vibrant, resilient communities that thrive for generations to come. Let's work together towards a future where everyone can thrive.

People and Planet: The Center of Sustainable Community Development

At the center of community development are people and the environment they live in. People are the driving force behind community development, and their needs and aspirations must be the focus of all efforts. By involving community members in decision-making and implementation, we can create solutions that are tailored to the unique needs and strengths of the community. This approach builds trust, fosters ownership and accountability, and ensures that the development process is sustainable and responsive to community needs.


Respect for the environment is also essential to community development. We cannot achieve sustainable growth without protecting the natural resources that underpin our communities. By adopting practices that minimize harm to the environment, we can ensure that the community's livelihoods are preserved for future generations. This approach not only safeguards the environment but also contributes to the overall well-being of the community, promoting healthy lifestyles and reducing vulnerability to environmental risks.

Experience Haiti Christian Development Fund

Working Towards a Brighter Future

By investing in education, we can break the cycle of poverty that traps so many families and communities. Sponsorship provides students with access to quality education, resources, and support, empowering them to achieve their full potential and create a brighter future for themselves and their communities. Responsible sponsorship ensures that students are supported in a way that preserves their dignity and autonomy, without creating dependencies or perpetuating harmful stereotypes.

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