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Why get involved

Education and outreach

Doing what is needed

Unlike most of Haiti, nearly 100% of the school age children in Fond-des-Blancs go to school. The concept of beginning a child’s education at age three to five years old began when HCDF began encouraging preschool age children in the community to attend their school. Nearly 30 years later, the entire educational philosophy of the community has changed. Today, it is not uncommon for a child in Fond-des-Blancs to graduate from high school, and several are going onto a university education thanks to the support made available through HCDF contributor donations.

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Maximizing Resources

Agriculture is the largest sector of the Haitian economy, employing roughly two-thirds of the labor force but accounting for only about one-fourth of the gross domestic product (GDP). Although only one-fifth of the land is considered suitable for agriculture, more than two-fifths is under cultivation. Major problems include soil erosion (particularly on mountain slopes, which are seldom terraced), recurrent drought, and an absence of irrigation.

Community Development

Tackling the Issue

The HCDF has initiated and managed many projects, and partnered with others in the Fond-des-Blancs community since the early 1980s in comprehensive holistic community development. All endeavors stem from the model of John Perkins and his pioneering message for holistic Christian community development (the Three Rs) with these foundational goals: Spiritual Healing, Education, Leadership Development, and Community Development.

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